Power of One Report - January 2025

Success in BNI is directly tied to the Five Key Fundamentals of BNI Success. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE POWER OF ONE. 

CONGRATULATIONS to the BNI Mid-America Region members who finished Green or Yellow in January 2025 (70 or more points). You are directly contributing to the health of your chapter and the profitability of your chapter members!

Power of One ReportEach Power of One element is scored out of a maximum of 20 points.

1. CEUs (One hour = One CEU). There are easily 6 CEUs for completing the online MSP. Goal: Four CEUs / month

2. Attendance. Goal: 100%

3. One-to-ones. Goal: Four one-to-ones / month

4. Referrals. Goal: Four referrals / month

5. Visitors. Goal: One visitor / month


BEAST - Business Evolving and Succeeding Together Hunter Woodring (20) 100
Belleville, IL Brian Hepfer (22) 100
Belleville, IL Jennifer Pannier (10) 100
Belleville, IL Stacey Pauly (22) 100
BIG Jessica Clines (23) 100
Business Boom Aaron Golchert (22) 100
Business Boom Mark Brimer (22) 100
Business Now Larry Norber (24) 100
CORE (Committed on Reaching Excellence) Amanda Sullivan (24) 100
Masters of Referrals Bill Tuttle (23) 100
Masters of Referrals Rob Marotta (23) 100
Masters of Referrals Robert Heideman (23) 100
Navigators Janet Katz (21) 100
Navigators Jim Fogal (21) 100
Partners In Excellence Lynn Collins (20) 100
Peak Professionals Corey Piper (17) 100
Platinum Referral Partners Tammy Derrigan (24) 100
PRAISE - Passing Referrals and Increasing Sales Efficiency Brandi Overturf (22) 100
St. Charles Kay Kalra (23) 100
St. Charles Matt Warmann (23) 100
St. Charles Nick Spegal (23) 100
St. Clair County Autymn Hubbard (19) 100
St. Clair County Jake Kline (19) 100
St. Clair County Joshua Davis (19) 100
St. Clair County Monique Shine (8) 100
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Tom Liebenrood (24) 100
STL Preferred Partners Matt Walt (15) 100
Success Express Ray Ayala (19) 100
Superior Referrals Samantha Newman (23) 100
Think Big St. Louis Kelsey Alvarado (21) 100
Unlimited Synergy Joseph Cangas (12) 100
Unlimited Synergy Noel Buckingham (24) 100
West County Business Alliance Dave Hays (20) 100
WIN  Wealth In Networking Cynthia Busch (23) 100
WIN  Wealth In Networking Susan Willis (23) 100
BEAST - Business Evolving and Succeeding Together Randy  Crider (23) 95
Belleville, IL Jon Burgmann (22) 95
Belleville, IL Julie Hall (22) 95
Belleville, IL Linda Schweitzer (22) 95
Belleville, IL Lisa York (15) 95
BIG Alice Hulvey (20) 95
BIG Shelly Steinwagner (23) 95
Business Boom Samuel Schroeder (6) 95
Business Now Kelly Fulkrod (23) 95
Extreme Business Builders Laramie Cooley (24) 95
Extreme Business Builders Toni Crunk (24) 95
Masters of Referrals Derlene Hirtz (23) 95
Masters of Referrals Don Fitzgerald (23) 95
Metro South Lisa Ermer (21) 95
Navigators Linda Buchmann (21) 95
O'Fallon Business Builders Cheri Zink (21) 95
Peak Professionals Amanda  Sheerin (16) 95
PRAISE - Passing Referrals and Increasing Sales Efficiency Gretchen Douglas (14) 95
PRIME Jim Kempf (22) 95
PROFIT Bonnie Juul (15) 95
PROFIT Carol Bastien (22) 95
PROFIT Michelle Liebenrood (22) 95
Referral Pros Natasha Boevingloh (22) 95
Referral Pros Stephen Burton (22) 95
Rewards Thru Referrals Jeffrey Solomon (22) 95
St. Charles James Cundiff NMLS # 738405 (22) 95
St. Charles Mike Haley (23) 95
St. Charles West Lucia (Lucy) Roberts (23) 95
St. Clair County Jason Portz (19) 95
St. Clair County Larry McQueen (19) 95
St. Clair County Lisa Frerker (19) 95
St. Louis SuccessNet Marc Bernstein (22) 95
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Austin Shadowen (24) 95
Success Express Eric Wolff (19) 95
Success Express Hannah Brown (17) 95
Unlimited Synergy Ed Fogelbach (24) 95
West County Business Alliance Betsy Soltysiak (20) 95
All Biz Joseph Gordon (23) 90
All Biz Matt Westphal (23) 90
BEAST - Business Evolving and Succeeding Together Shawnna Donovan Vaughn (22) 90
Belleville, IL Christine Impastato (16) 90
Belleville, IL Lisa Adams (16) 90
Belleville, IL Lisa Diserens (22) 90
Belleville, IL Noah Mitchell (22) 90
Business Boom Dante Scaife (22) 90
Business Now Bill Anderson (19) 90
GREEN Greg  Sanders (9) 90
Metro South Joshua Hauck (21) 90
Platinum Referral Partners Fred Venturini (24) 90
Platinum Referral Partners Matt Hall (17) 90
PRAISE - Passing Referrals and Increasing Sales Efficiency Joe Mayoral (23) 90
PRAISE - Passing Referrals and Increasing Sales Efficiency Julie Lorence (23) 90
PRIME Micah Mayfield (22) 90
Referral Pros Brandon Bretz (22) 90
Rewards Thru Referrals Vicky Shrum (11) 90
RISE = Referrals Increase Success Everyday Layna  Bond (24) 90
St. Charles Paige Miesle (15) 90
St. Clair County Remington Linder (8) 90
St. Louis SuccessNet Lisa Schuler (22) 90
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Claudius Rolle (8) 90
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Peter Lindstrom (7) 90
Unlimited Synergy Dane Huxel (24) 90
Unlimited Synergy James Jones (24) 90
Unlimited Synergy Mike Boese (24) 90
BEAST - Business Evolving and Succeeding Together Bryan Dugger (23) 85
Belleville, IL Jay Taddei (22) 85
Belleville, IL Kayanna Clark-Downen (22) 85
Belleville, IL Lisa Chance (22) 85
Belleville, IL Mark VanZeyl (22) 85
BIG Kyle  Jackson (4) 85
Business Boom Kylee  Tenny (16) 85
Business Now Michael  Mason (24) 85
Business Now Tonya Winingar (24) 85
Extreme Business Builders Jennie Bellinger (24) 85
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Chris Scheer (20) 85
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Christine Williams (20) 85
GAIN - Greater Advancement in Networking Gayla Flowers (24) 85
GAIN - Greater Advancement in Networking Timothy Barnfield (24) 85
Glen-Ed Wendy Grich (20) 85
GREEN Lora Kennedy (9) 85
GREEN Nevaeh Haas (9) 85
GREEN Scott Kramer (9) 85
Masters of Referrals Arik Burns (14) 85
Metro South Anne Gerding (21) 85
Metro South Bob Lovatto (7) 85
Metro South Katelyn Leaver (14) 85
Navigators Ashley Medler (21) 85
Navigators Michael Babcock (21) 85
Navigators Neal Howard (20) 85
Navigators Robert Cooper (21) 85
O'Fallon Business Builders Amy Nunn (21) 85
Peak Professionals Leigh Ann Boyles (16) 85
Referral Pros Darren Johnson (22) 85
Referral Pros Sam Hyndrich (22) 85
Rewards Thru Referrals Darla Ellis (21) 85
Rewards Thru Referrals Jenn Lawler (21) 85
St. Charles Chuck  McCracken (17) 85
St. Charles Kyle Stirling (20) 85
St. Charles Rob Kemp (23) 85
St. Charles West Karen Mesler (23) 85
St. Charles West Steven Hall (21) 85
St. Clair County Karen Wilson (19) 85
St. Clair County Kendra Williams (19) 85
St. Louis SuccessNet Chip Dozier (22) 85
St. Louis SuccessNet Nick Metz (16) 85
St. Louis SuccessNet Ron Rattini (22) 85
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Billy Aldrich (24) 85
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Heston Mays (24) 85
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals John Streuter (24) 85
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals William Scott Murrie (18) 85
SUPER - Successfully Uplifting Peers & Enhancing Referrals Dylan Street (22) 85
Superior Referrals Matt Koch (9) 85
Superior Referrals ROXANE MAY (23) 85
Unlimited Synergy Christopher Vandehey (24) 85
Unlimited Synergy Jim Avery (23) 85
West County Business Alliance Dan Simon (18) 85
All Biz Don  Brand (23) 80
All Biz Joe Schwob (23) 80
BEAST - Business Evolving and Succeeding Together John  Thompson (8) 80
Belleville, IL Alex Hunsche (6) 80
Belleville, IL Gary Casey (11) 80
Belleville, IL Laurie May (22) 80
Belleville, IL Rachel Sperry (22) 80
Belleville, IL Scott Larsen (3) 80
BIG George Sykes (23) 80
Business Now Lisa Bushur-Harris (22) 80
Business Now Tim McDonald (19) 80
Connect for Success Jeff Peters (3) 80
Connect for Success Katie Maginn (19) 80
CORE (Committed on Reaching Excellence) Tiffany Bowles (24) 80
Crossroads to Success Katie Coffman (20) 80
Crossroads to Success Michelle Carlile (22) 80
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Beth Smith (20) 80
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) J.B. Westerholt (20) 80
G3-Give, Gain, Grow GREG O'NEAL (20) 80
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Greg Renaud (20) 80
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Jeannie Parker (20) 80
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Leslie Steimel (20) 80
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Thomas Renaud (20) 80
GAIN - Greater Advancement in Networking Lacie Henson (24) 80
GREEN Elizabeth Sargis (9) 80
GREEN Eric Craycroft (9) 80
GROW (Giving Referrals and Opportunities to Win) Kendel Heifner (3) 80
Masters of Referrals Eric Eyman (23) 80
Masters of Referrals Karen  Schindler (23) 80
Masters of Referrals Scott Hill (23) 80
Metro South Mike Gillen (21) 80
Navigators Cameron Cook (19) 80
Navigators Eric Chadbourne (20) 80
Navigators Jeremy Goins (21) 80
Navigators Jimbo Stann (20) 80
Navigators John Klaskin (4) 80
Navigators Levi Miller (21) 80
Navigators Phillip Wight (21) 80
Navigators Roman Bohart (21) 80
Navigators Sharon Crow-Chapman (20) 80
Navigators Tim Mitchell (21) 80
O'Fallon Business Builders Steven Vogel (21) 80
Partners In Excellence Hrant Norsigian (20) 80
Peak Professionals Richard Terry (17) 80
Platinum Referral Partners Dianne Collins (24) 80
PRAISE - Passing Referrals and Increasing Sales Efficiency Parker Timmons (23) 80
PRIME Geoffrey Hodgkins (22) 80
PRIME Melissa Adney (22) 80
PROFIT Chris Ahart (22) 80
Rainmakers Dean Oder (21) 80
Referral Pros Mathew Bolzenius (22) 80
Rewards Thru Referrals Brender Benson (21) 80
Rewards Thru Referrals Scott Schaad (16) 80
RISE = Referrals Increase Success Everyday Hillary Meyers (24) 80
St. Charles Daniel Robinett (23) 80
St. Charles Merle Schneider (23) 80
St. Charles West Ashley Kates (23) 80
St. Charles West Jon Sansoucie (23) 80
St. Charles West Kevin Hall (23) 80
St. Clair County Barry DeLassus (19) 80
St. Clair County Jacob Goodwin (19) 80
St. Clair County James Alexander (19) 80
St. Clair County Kristine Shirley (19) 80
St. Clair County Mark Bearth (19) 80
St. Clair County Stephanie Malench (19) 80
St. Clair County Zac Pittman (19) 80
St. Louis SuccessNet Adam Bernstein (22) 80
St. Louis SuccessNet CJ Knapp (22) 80
St. Louis SuccessNet Jeff Rogles (22) 80
St. Louis SuccessNet Jeremy Klaven (22) 80
St. Louis SuccessNet Lauren Bernstein (20) 80
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Brad Miller (24) 80
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Darrick Borum (23) 80
Success Express Kristen Buckingham (5) 80
Success Express TJ Mesler (19) 80
Superior Referrals Jasmine McKinney (23) 80
Superior Referrals Mikel Roman (23) 80
Think Big St. Louis Susan Cherkiss (19) 80
Unlimited Synergy Cory Wohldmann (7) 80
Unlimited Synergy Dana Eller (24) 80
Unlimited Synergy Keith Stout (24) 80
Unlimited Synergy Wendi Chapin (24) 80
Advanced Business Connections Craig Storandt (21) 75
Belleville, IL Craig Hansen (22) 75
Belleville, IL Dan Cheseldine (22) 75
Belleville, IL Matthew Blumenstock (12) 75
Belleville, IL Patty Bearth (22) 75
BIG Vicki Hake (23) 75
Business Boom Lyndsey Sayles (22) 75
Business Now Travis Seeger (24) 75
Central Corridor Ed Brucker (21) 75
CORE (Committed on Reaching Excellence) Mary K Harris (24) 75
Extreme Business Builders Carolyn Koester (24) 75
Extreme Business Builders Christine Thurber (24) 75
Extreme Business Builders Michael Babcock (24) 75
Extreme Business Builders Teri Dinnius (24) 75
Extreme Business Builders Tim Grotefendt (22) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Nick Myers (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Pat  DeLassus (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Patrik Englund (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Rich Konold (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Ryan Shaner (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Sally Rapp (20) 75
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Tim Rice (20) 75
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Douglas Davis (20) 75
Glen-Ed Drew Stiegemeier (19) 75
Glen-Ed Sam Alender (20) 75
GREEN Jared Mabrey (9) 75
Masters of Referrals Ed Miranda (23) 75
Masters of Referrals Jason Halteman (23) 75
Masters of Referrals Jennifer Walton (23) 75
Masters of Referrals Marlee Coleman (23) 75
Masters of Referrals Roxie Wright (23) 75
Masters of Referrals William Willis (23) 75
Metro South Cheyenne Pratt (20) 75
Metro South Danny Swanson (21) 75
Midwest Networking Professionals Mike Staley (24) 75
Navigators Carrie Kerley (20) 75
Navigators Don MacPherson (21) 75
Navigators Julie Smith (21) 75
Navigators Mark Mattei (21) 75
Navigators Michael Oliver (19) 75
O'Fallon Business Builders Brad Francis (21) 75
O'Fallon Business Builders Tami Kramer (21) 75
Partners In Excellence Stanley  Miner (20) 75
Peak Professionals Bruce Williams (11) 75
Peak Professionals Chaz Duffy (16) 75
Peak Professionals Liam McLaughlin (17) 75
PROFIT Michael Crouse (12) 75
Rainmakers David Luxton (20) 75
Rainmakers Gregory Deffenbaugh (21) 75
Rainmakers Matthew Groeteke (21) 75
Referral Builders Tim Graham (25) 75
St. Charles Brandi Behne (22) 75
St. Charles Daytheon Jeffries (23) 75
St. Charles Dennis Curland (23) 75
St. Charles Joseph DiCarlo (23) 75
St. Charles Mark Rutherford (23) 75
St. Clair County Blake Middleton (19) 75
St. Clair County Megan  Grandone (19) 75
St. Clair County Tim McMahan (19) 75
St. Louis Strategic Partners Jennifer Cox (25) 75
St. Louis SuccessNet Bill Hinds (22) 75
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Alex Kuhn (8) 75
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Mandy  Robertson (24) 75
STL Preferred Partners Ryan Garwitz (22) 75
Success Express Joseph Markell (19) 75
Superior Referrals Derek Dolitsky (6) 75
Superior Referrals Sarah Francois (23) 75
Superior Referrals Steve Parker (23) 75
TOTAL (Taking Ourselves To Another Level) Al Lenkaitis (22) 75
Unlimited Synergy Alante Ghannam (24) 75
Unlimited Synergy Karlos Bledsoe Sr. (22) 75
West County Business Alliance Holden Kiefer (20) 75
West County Business Alliance Scott Sievers (20) 75
WIN  Wealth In Networking Alan Kuczynski (23) 75
WIN  Wealth In Networking Nic Skovgaard (15) 75
Advanced Business Connections Emily Titov (21) 70
Advanced Business Connections Matt Quinn (21) 70
All Biz Jennifer Babb (15) 70
Belleville, IL Danny Boschenreither (12) 70
Belleville, IL Kay Kendall (22) 70
Belleville, IL LaRae Bigard (22) 70
Belleville, IL Marcel Brown (22) 70
Belleville, IL Melissa Tutterow (22) 70
Belleville, IL Mike Vogt (22) 70
Belleville, IL Paige Bitzer (22) 70
Belleville, IL Patrick Varnum (22) 70
BIG Andy Schmitt (20) 70
BIG Stephen Plog (22) 70
BOOST Brian Peterson (17) 70
Building Business Connections Curtis Bailey (22) 70
Building Business Connections Ryan Finke (22) 70
Business Boom Michael Caples (22) 70
Business Now Beth Muckerman (24) 70
Business Now Derek Burr (23) 70
Business Now Patrick Kuyath (24) 70
CORE (Committed on Reaching Excellence) Samantha Dawson (24) 70
CORE (Committed on Reaching Excellence) Tom Jones (24) 70
Extreme Business Builders Jake Calvert (24) 70
Extreme Business Builders Jenny Cayo Ferguson (22) 70
Extreme Business Builders Mark Porter (20) 70
Extreme Business Builders Stacey Goodwin (24) 70
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Ed Politte (20) 70
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Jon Faith (20) 70
FAST (Fenton Arnold St. Louis) Juan Castello (20) 70
FIRE Ethan Grider (19) 70
FIRE Tim Watson (19) 70
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Jeremy Bright (20) 70
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Matthew Renaud (20) 70
G3-Give, Gain, Grow Mike Baty (20) 70
G3-Give, Gain, Grow TJ Renaud (20) 70
Glen-Ed Kyle McNabb (19) 70
GREEN Mark Sargis (9) 70
GREEN Timothy (TJ) PRYOR (9) 70
Metro South Patrick Null (21) 70
Metro South Sandra Lee (21) 70
Navigators Dave Drieman (21) 70
Navigators Mike Smith (20) 70
O'Fallon Business Builders Todd Basler (21) 70
O'Fallon Business Builders Zachary Hefner (21) 70
Premier Results Brady Politte (18) 70
Premier Results Jaclyn Schmitz (19) 70
Premier Results Joanne Worobec (19) 70
Premier Results Ryan Morris (10) 70
PRIME Lewis Marty (22) 70
PRIME Todd Birkenholz (22) 70
PROFIT Jason Cook (22) 70
Rainmakers Ada Austin (13) 70
Rainmakers Josh Elliott (21) 70
Referral Builders Craig Weil (25) 70
Referral Pros Michael Danner (22) 70
Rewards Thru Referrals Ruth Gerchen (21) 70
RISE = Referrals Increase Success Everyday Michelle Hanley (24) 70
RISE = Referrals Increase Success Everyday Vivian Kaldas (24) 70
St. Charles Alex  Weiderman (23) 70
St. Charles Mike Maroney (23) 70
St. Charles Rich Herzig (23) 70
St. Charles Shawn Gammon (23) 70
St. Charles West Kallie Fischer (17) 70
St. Charles West Zach Taylor (21) 70
St. Louis SuccessNet Jason Rennegarbe (22) 70
St. Louis SuccessNet Kyle Cullen (22) 70
St. Louis SuccessNet Terry Ballard (15) 70
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Amber Pentecost (23) 70
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Greg Wyatt (24) 70
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Heaven  Lunsford (24) 70
STAR - Successfully Thriving & Acquiring Referrals Monica McGinley (22) 70
Success Express Dan Will (19) 70
Success Express Don Ascare (16) 70
Success Express Nick Johnson (19) 70
Success Express Zachary Owen (19) 70
Unlimited Synergy Brian McGovern (24) 70
Unlimited Synergy Jennifer Butler (24) 70
Unlimited Synergy Kris Risner (17) 70
Unlimited Synergy Lisa Brauch (9) 70
Unlimited Synergy Patrick Doyle (24) 70
West County Business Alliance Carol Hofer (20) 70
West County Business Alliance Julie Lamb (20) 70
West County Business Alliance Patrick Sabourin (20) 70


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